Comparatives and superlatives test esl worksheet by abut. Of all the dogs in the world, english mastiffs are the gentlest. Comparatives and superlatives national geographic learning. Comparatives superlatives esl activities worksheets games. Comparative adjectives english grammar lesson youtube. To print the lesson on the list of comparative superlative and adjectives from a to z. Then, the comparative words are removed, and they must use their skills of.
Comparatives and superlatives worksheets teachers pay. Start by drawing some basic characters on the board, a tall thin one, a small. Comparatives and superlatives pdf esl interactive and printable activities, worksheets and games to use online and in class with a1, a2, b1 and b2 levels. Business writing genres comparative adjectives guessing game worksheet 1 student b read the sentences below to your partner without the word in the gap. My literature book is more difficult than my english book. We also use them to compare 1 thing, person or place at different times. Comparatives and superlatives interactive worksheets. Business english comparing products using comparative and superlative adjectives. Look again at some of these facts from session 1 and look carefully at. Print the l ist of comparative superlative and adjectives from a to z. Live worksheets english english as a second language esl comparatives and superlatives comparatives and superlatives comparatives and superlatives id. In this business english version of our popular worksheet extreme places, students study the superlative form of adjectives by reading short profiles of.
Use the search filters on the left to refine your search. Oliver, alfie and daisy have decided to eat out tonight. Add er for the comparative and est for the superlative. How to form comparative and superlative adjectives. In this lesson you will listen to a recording about three different countries. Confused by comparative and superlative forms in english. Thierry didnt know why people thought he was so boring.
This comparatives and superlatives lesson is ideal for teaching or. Complete the chart with the comparatives and superlatives. Comparatives and superlatives exercises learn english comparative and superlative. Learn how to use comparatives and superlatives properly. To roleplay a meeting between a bank manager and an entrepreneur asking for a bank loan to develop and market a new invention.
The form depends on the number of syllables in the original adjective. Students have to complete the sentences using superlatives. In this exercise you will practise comparative and superlative adjectives, including their spelling and irregularities. We use superlatives adjectives and adverbs to compare people, things, or actions with all of their group. If two nouns are being compared to one another, we use comparative adjectives. Give them names that your students will be familiar. Updated 20 september 2019 photocopiable business english comparative and superlative adjectives classroom activities technical english measurements. Business english comparing products using comparative and superlative adjectives work in groups of three or four. Comparatives and superlatives quiz up comparatives and superlatives common mistakes 1 add new comment. Superlative meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. Finally, do the grammar exercises to check you understand, and can use. With these tests i find it easy to identify where students have problems.
So something that seems completely normal to you as a proficient user of english may be in fact very alien to an english language learner. Below is a list of the most common adjectives with their. To read and order a gapped story, complete the gaps with linking words, then build up an anecdote from prompts. See the lesson on comparatives and superlatives for the rules on their form and use. Adjective comparative superlative long longer than the longest fast faster than pretty the prettiest beautiful more beautiful than ugly uglier than thin the thinnest fashionable more fashionable than 2. This ebook is produced and distributed by red river press inc. Comparatives and superlatives lecture adjectives and. Learn how to use comparative adjectives in this english class. List of comparative superlative and adjectives from a to z. The adjectives good, bad and far have irregular comparatives and superlatives.
Lord of the rings is more interesting than mission impossible. Learn how to use comparatives and superlatives in english for long adjectives. People often said that thierry boyle was the most boring man in the world. Superlatives dont forget that in many languages there is no equivalent of the superlative. Use the exercises at the end to practise and dont forget to download your copy of this free study guide.
Comparative and superlative adjectives download this explanation in pdf here. You can use an object pronoun to complete a comparison. Comparatives and superlatives esl english worksheets. You will get all the multiplechoice tests from the comparative and superlative category on. First, they read about comparisons between various dog breeds. Real english words such as a little, a lot, much, and not much, are often used to.
Business writing genres comparative adjectives guessing game. The comparative and the superlative english grammar ef. Comparative and superlative adjectives tips and activities. Remember that after superlatives we use in before a place, not of. For superlatives, if adjectives are one or two syllables, you just add est to. Comparative and superlative adjectives learnenglish. Comparatives and superlatives english for tourism zubiri. The language focus is comparative and superlative adjectives. English grammar practice exercise, for preintermediate and intermediate level. Unit consumer society comparatives and superlatives. Its the tallest building in the world no other is taller.
Today we are learning how to form comparatives and superlatives. Adjectives and adjective clauses are very common in english, so students need to be able to understand them when they see them or hear them. Comparatives and superlatives complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. To make the comparative form of adjectives like bigger or more expensive and the superlative form like biggest or most expensive, first we need to know how many syllables are in the adjective. A collection of english esl worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and english classes to teach about superlatives, superlatives. Aim, to practise using money verbs and financial vocabulary. Find examples of comparative and superlative adjectives in the dialogue and add them to the table. Your package contains 5 tests each of which has 10 questions 50 questions in total.
In fact, it was the largest project in the history of the bbc. As you watch the video, look at the examples of comparatives and superlative adjectives. Side by side 2 chapter 6 describing people video program for side by side level 2 by pearson education. The focus of the exercise is on comparatives and superlatives. Form the comparative and superlative forms of a onesyllable adjective by adding. Unit consumer society comparatives and superlatives 8 cars in a scrap. This powerpoint helps students learn about superlatives and comparatives while challenging and entertaining them at the same time.
Below is a list of the most common adjectives with their comparative and superlative forms. Choose a kind of product such as one of the ones below and compare it to other products on the market to make it sound good, using your imagination as much as you like. Business english comparing products using comparative and. The students then go on to do a comparison activity.
Resources cheat sheets adjectives list of comparatives and superlatives. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. Live worksheets english english as a second language esl comparatives and superlatives comparatives and superlatives interactive worksheets language. By using the information provided in the diagrams, students of english must answer 6 truefalse and 7 short answer questions on who is the oldest and youngest or older and younger and who has more or less siblings and pets than the others. Words such as a little, a lot, much, and not much, are often used to quantify comparative adjectives.
We use comparatives to compare one person or thing with another person or thing. Business comparative and superlative games worksheets tefltastic. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at. In company worksheets preintermediate macmillan business. Superlatives introduction we use the superlative structure to say that something is more than all the others in a group. Students fill in the gaps with the information provided. Check out our list of the 35 most common adjectives with examples to see exactly how these words are used in context. Basic adjectives, comparatives and superlatives focus. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives below. When comparing three or more nouns, we use superlative adjectives. The magazine article contained so many superlatives that i found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true. Afterwards, students create a dialogue using the language from the lesson, which they then present to the class. Comparatives and superlatives check out our selection of worksheets filed under grammar.
Maybe its best to draw students attention to these uses of comparatives if they come up in texts or class work. Improve your vocabulary with english vocabulary in use from cambridge. Choose the correct answer in the following sentences. New broadcasting house was a very large project for the bbc. English esl superlatives worksheets most downloaded 229. Start by drawing some basic characters on the board, a tall thin one, a small fat one and a normal one. The rules for superlatives are similar to comparatives. Comparatives and superlatives comparatives and superlatives practice comparatives and superlatives adjectives are used to describe nouns. Forming comparative and superlative adjectives onesyllable adjectives. Comparatives and superlative exercises to learn english. Welcome to esl printables, the website where english language teachers exchange resources.
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